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Crossroad.音标:英 ['krɔ:srəʊd] 美 ['krɔ:sˌroʊd] 具体含义:n.十字路口;重大抉择的关头近义词:intersection、crossway.例句At every crossway on the road that leads to the future. 因为在通往未来大道上的每一个十字路口。Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape;你不该站在岔路口,剪除他们中间逃脱的人;Back up the passage he could see a crossway he had already passed, a gaping mouth inthe wall. 退回这过道,他能看到他此前走过的那个岔路,象是墙上一个张开的大嘴。Account of two components of DTA, the thesis have two important aspect: ( 1) theimprovement of the network flow propagation model, the author think about the flowpropagation pattern under impact from the crossway signal and given a compatible modelfor the flow; 针对DTA的两个部分,本文着重在以下两个方面进行了探讨,①对交通流传播模型的改进。论文考虑了在信号灯影响下的交通流传播模式,提出了更加接近现实情况的模型。This paper analyses the vehicles operation regularing in crossway, perfecting the obtaincapability model under the condition of mixture transportation with saturated flow method.通过对交叉口非机动车、机动车运行规律分析,应用饱和流方法进一步完善了混合交通条件下信号交叉口通行能力模型。



crossing英 ['krɒsɪŋ] 美 ['krɔsɪŋ] n. 十字路口;杂交;横渡;横道v. 横越(cross的现在分词)短语pedestrian crossing 行人穿越道 ; [交] 人行横道 ; 行人过路处 ; 行人交叉路Animal Crossing 动物之森 ; 动物之森新叶 ; 动物森林 ; 城市人Human Crossing 人生交叉点 ; 人间交差点扩展资料同近义词intersection英 [ɪntə'sekʃ(ə)n] 美 [,ɪntɚ'sɛkʃən] n. 交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点短语space intersection [测] 空间前方交会 ; 空间交会 ; 空间火线交会intersection line 交叉线 ; 相交线 ; 截交线 ; 交线称为相贯线例句1、What you see is an intersection. 你看到的是一个交叉点。2、How far is it to the next intersection? 到下个十字路口,还有多远?3、The traffic banked up at the intersection. 车辆在交叉路口拥塞起来。


沿这条路直走,然后过两个十字路口就到了的英文翻译 沿这条路直走,然后过两个十字路口就到了Go straight along this road, and then it's two crossroads. 重点词汇直走go straight on然后then; and; after that; afterwards; afterward十字路口crossroads; intersection; crossroad; at a critical turning point (in one's life, etc.);

4,十字路口 英文

十字路口的英文是crossroads。crossroads英 [ˈkrɒsrəʊdz] 美 [ˈkrɔ:sroʊdz] n.十字路口;转折点,重大的抉择时刻扩展资料1、She turned back towards the crossroads 她折回十字路口。2、Mrs Glick reined in the horse and stopped at the crossroads.格利克夫人勒住缰绳在十字路口停了下来。3、We now stand at a crossroads. 现在,我们站在一个十字路口上。4、But I stood at a crossroads. 可是我却站在十字路口。5、At this stage they are at an important crossroads. 在这个阶段,他们处于一个重要的十字路口。


"十字路口"翻译成英文是crossroad。英:['krɔ:srəʊd]美:['krɔ:sˌroʊd]n.十字路口; 重大抉择的关头; 例句:1、A truck bumped into my car at a crossroad.一辆卡车和我的汽车在十字路口相碰。2、History has led us to a new crossroad, with new promise and new peril.历史已经将我们引领到一个新的十字路口,既有新承诺也有新危险。扩展资料有关道路的英文1、Road:从A到B的路都可以叫Road。2、Street:城市里东西方向的街道。3、Avenue:林荫大道,或者是南北方向的街道。4、Plaza/Square:某个开阔空间(比如广场)周围的道路。5、Circle:圆形道路,通常围绕着公共空间。6、Boulevard:中间或两侧一定有树,通常还很宽敞。7、Lane:单行车道,或者窄巷子。8、Drive:私人汽车道。9、Way:有别于大马路,主干道的小路。10、Freeway:不设收费站的高速公路。


Crossroad.音标:英 ['krɔ:srəʊd] 美 ['krɔ:sˌroʊd] 具体含义:n.十字路口;重大抉择的关头近义词:intersection、crossway.例句At every crossway on the road that leads to the future. 因为在通往未来大道上的每一个十字路口。Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape;你不该站在岔路口,剪除他们中间逃脱的人;Back up the passage he could see a crossway he had already passed, a gaping mouth inthe wall. 退回这过道,他能看到他此前走过的那个岔路,象是墙上一个张开的大嘴。Account of two components of DTA, the thesis have two important aspect: ( 1) theimprovement of the network flow propagation model, the author think about the flowpropagation pattern under impact from the crossway signal and given a compatible modelfor the flow; 针对DTA的两个部分,本文着重在以下两个方面进行了探讨,①对交通流传播模型的改进。论文考虑了在信号灯影响下的交通流传播模式,提出了更加接近现实情况的模型。This paper analyses the vehicles operation regularing in crossway, perfecting the obtaincapability model under the condition of mixture transportation with saturated flow method.通过对交叉口非机动车、机动车运行规律分析,应用饱和流方法进一步完善了混合交通条件下信号交叉口通行能力模型。

标签: #十字路口 #英语